Service and Outreach

Science Y’all

Jackson School of Geoscience graduate students maintain an excellent blog, Science Y’all, that publishes blog posts on many subjects related to the graduate student expereince at JSG. I’ve contributed to a couple of these posts.


Dr. Daniella Rempe and I filmed a video to be used for OnRamps, a program at UT Austin that offers educational opportunities for middle and high schoolers throughout Texas. In our segment, we highlighted our research focus, what drove us to become hydrologists, and opportunities in our field of study. Watch the video here: Perspective in Geoscience: Earth’s Freshwater Systems. Find the other segments filmed compiled in this blog post written by Megan Flansburg who also organized the filming.

Geoscience Empowerment Network (GEN)

I hold a leadership role in GEN which is an organization aimed at promoting inclusion, achieving equity and creating diversity. We have worked on a variety of initiatives at JSG including policy changes, bias trainings, and student support. GEN webpage.

Graduate Student Executive Committee (GSEC)

I am involved with, and in the past have held a leadership role in, GSEC, an organization run by graduate students with the purpose of advocating for graduate students and fostering community. This organization is a great resource for graduate students and has made tangible changes in the JSG community. GSEC webpage

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